Professional Background
I work as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon with a specialist interest in Upper Limb Surgery at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and was appointed in May 2014.
I consult privately from Airedale General Hospital, The Yorkshire Clinic and Spire Hospital Leeds.
I graduated from Sheffield University Medical School in 2004. I undertook specialist training in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery on the highly regarded South Yorkshire Rotation in Sheffield and during this time developed a special interest in my chosen field of Upper Limb Surgery.
Having completed my specialist training I undertook my fellowship in Upper Limb Surgery at the Royal Derby Hospital and internationally renowned Pulvertaft Hand Unit. This allowed me the opportunity to learn from some of the leading experts in this country and in the wider world.
I have also visited the Balgrist Clinic in Switzerland to gain first-hand experience and training from Professor Christian Gerber on the Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis.
Qualifications And Degrees
- FRCSEd (Tr+Orth) – Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh – 2012
- MRCSEd – Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh – 2007
- MBChB – University Of Sheffield – 2004
Clinical Interests
Assessment and treatment of shoulder and elbow conditions including injuries. Included below are some of the common conditions I treat:
Shoulder conditions:
frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tears, subacromial impingement/bursitis, calcific tendonitis, shoulder dislocations and instability, SLAP tears, shoulder arthritis, acromio-clavicular joint (ACJ) disruptions, ACJ arthritis, shoulder and clavicle fractures and other sports injuries.
Elbow conditions:
tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), ulnar nerve entrapment (cubital tunnel syndrome), biceps tendon ruptures, olecranon bursitis, elbow arthritis/stiffness and elbow fractures.
Academic Activity
I have published in a number of peer-reviewed journals and presented research work at National and International meetings. I continue to be actively involved in research to provide the highest quality evidence based treatment for my patients.
Teaching Activity
I am the departmental lead for medical students from the University Of Leeds Medical School, with regular teaching commitments to the undergraduates and trainees within the department.
I supervise the training of orthopaedic specialist trainees. I am faculty on a number of national and international courses, which involve lecturing, small group discussion and lab-based teaching for surgical techniques. I am a clinical tutor and examiner with the University Of Sheffield Medical School.